You haven't a clue do you. Go on about mens rights bashing women but really that is all you did. I think its more about the child support you are going to miss out on when father actually get there children back. As your headline reads only when after seperation. Duh! No joke because usually that is when dads are discriminated against by the sytem with rights to there own child. Not your or judges, lawyers or any other.
Every piece of information on this page has been sourced on the internet and is based upon what the person themselves has posted in Forums or groups. On a rare occasion we might offer an opinion but mostly what you read has been placed for public consumption by the person named. We have just collated that information and placed it here for the convenience of the reader.
You haven't a clue do you. Go on about mens rights bashing women but really that is all you did. I think its more about the child support you are going to miss out on when father actually get there children back. As your headline reads only when after seperation. Duh! No joke because usually that is when dads are discriminated against by the sytem with rights to there own child. Not your or judges, lawyers or any other.