Also known as AndrewEss or agsteiger. Friend of Tami Pepperman
" Last I heard females are found flying out of windows and nobody cares, since their status is now ‘liability’,and that is after chauvinism was bred out of the culture. Do I dare consider saving a damsel in distress, not on your nelly. Do I go near any unknown children, never. Why ! Because I don’t respect you, I fear you. Why do I fear you, because you are entitled to never tell the truth, never be accountable for your actions and never be responsible for yourself. A female is state and judicial chattel protected now only by it’s true partner which is state patronage. I really want some of that, not shovel ready but welfare ready. I am applying for a sex change soon and then can truly state I have a dysfunctional phallic envy."
eople Search: STEIGER, ANDREW G in WI
<<>"I take exception to the misrepresentation of males as a majority abuser, I know one thing is true, bio dads can be stereotyped but they are by far less abusers of kids and infants than mothers. Sure there is an expanding epidemic of child abuse, that was created by the state itself for business, but real dad's are the last and least on the list, while mommies are the worst."
"I regularly get accused of molesting my own children, average cost per accusation is about $ 4500 to the family court operatives. Every case is treated as a new one, and we start again, nothing I can do about it until I run out of money, and then I will probably end up in prison."
"I am currently going through a process that shall we say for the sake of the authors argument not the ‘alienation of children’. I have my son explaining to me that mommy tells them I am very bad and does things to them, like touch their crotchy and stick my fingers up their butts. They are declared by CPS as sexualized children. Worse and sadly not from my minimal contact have they learned some age inappropriate behaviors, language is shall we say fruity, they know about many sexual acts. Worse of all these children just aged 4 and 5. My contact is thwarted by the legal system and my former spouses monumental efforts to elicit a public outcry of ‘child molester’, withholding the children from contact at the flimsiest of excuses and TRO’s. I am in fear as a result of the numerous allegations, that continue unabated. Some resulting in periods of not seeing the children for months on end. Does it end, for me no, I cannot seem to get the industry of domestic violence to realize that this is simply a case of malicious and inverterate fantasy making mommy syndrome. Not at all, we need to complicate things, and look for signs of daddy abuse, and legal revisionism, better yet psychologists and therapists who seem willing to go that extra mile, to find something. The good thing is my daughter if allowed does still come and give me a hug and say’s she loves me, my son is a little more of a challenge. So without the none existent help I need to nip this in the bud, I am sadly looking forward to a unstoppable legal parendectomy.
I have all the evidence I need to prove that something is not right about what is happening, but no platform to adjudicate.
So if I am driven by virtue of the situation from the childrens lives, am I suffering from delusions, a parendectomy or is it ‘alienation’."